The P/E ratio of Blue Apron Holdings is -1.33, which represents a 22.02% decrease over the same period last year. their 1-year average P / E ratio is -1.33 and their 5-year average is -0.95.
What is Blue Apron Holdings Net EPS?
Blue Apron Holdings’ net earnings for the most recent quarter were -3.44$, which represents a 1.43% increase over the same period last year.
Who are Blue Apron Holdings Competitors?
Based on AI model, Design Capital, home24 SE, Jowell Global, LightInTheBox Holding Co., Natural Health Trends Corp., Oriental Culture Holding, SRP Groupe S.A., Yunji are considered to be Blue Apron Holdings’s competitors because the companies operate within the same industry as Blue Apron Holdings and are targeting the same customer base. in addition, competitors typically share a similar market capitalization as Blue Apron Holdings.
Who is Blue Apron Holdings’s Biggest competitor?
Blue Apron Holdings’ biggest competitor is Design Capital, based on the AI model. it has a similar market capitalization to Blue Apron Holdings in the industry, it dominates a similar share of the market as Blue Apron Holdings, and it provides and markets very similar services.
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